Spring Inspirations [Day 34]

One of my favorite books of the Bible is Job. It has all of the makings of a good story.  Heroes and enemies, tragedy, conflict, and a very happy ending.  I challenge you to read the whole book.  It is the best way to appreciate the message.  If you can’t do that right away, just focus on chapters 38-42.  Just thinking of it now, fills me with excitement.  It is one of the moments in the scriptures, that you get to hear God talk about Himself.  It’s almost like a bio, a MIGHTY bio.  We should expect nothing less from the Lord!!

I chose this particular verse because it is Job’s reply after being “lambasted” with all of God’s powerful truth. Side note: I use the word lambasted with the utmost respect, clearly God needed to set the record straight with Job and all (myself included) who were listening.

When I read this verse and meditate on it, it is very worshipful.  It’s me lowered – God raised.  Me humbled – God honored.  It may not read that way to you and if that is the case, I would challenge you to read Job chapters 38-42 again.

In response to this verse I am inspired to have a worship filled day and invite you to join me.

Here are a few suggestions for our worship experiences today!

  1. We can humble ourselves and serve others.
  2. We can brag on God, sharing our story and His truths.
  3. We can quiet ourselves and listen to His voice in prayer rather than filling our time with God up with our words.
  4. We can check our attitudes and actions with His word and make sure they are aligned.
  5. We can write Him a letter or poem, and or sing Him a song.

The options are endless when we look at the act of worship, simply being, to lower ourselves so we can elevate Him in response to who He is and what He’s done.

Be blessed as you worship the Lord who can do ANYTHING, and there is NO ONE or NO THING that can stop Him.


Lisa joined the staff at Grace Church in January of 2001. Since that time she has led worship, coordinated the programming of worship services and outreach events, directed the Women's Ministry, decorated, created, served and loved God and people.

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