Psalm 19

What a wonderful chapter to dwell on this week! Especially in light of preparing to celebrate our Risen Lord and Savior this coming Sunday. Jesus was there – when the world was created. He is the WORD. He modeled a holy lifestyle of walking in step with His Father and He worshiped God in all that He did and said.

I read 4 clear divisions in this powerful chapter.

God’s creation! (verses 1-6)

The heavens proclaim. The skies display.

The craftsmanship speaks to all the world.

The heavens are home to the sun which all can see and feel. Who on earth has not experienced the majesty and wonder of God’s creation? Our pastor said it like this…creation is like the movie trailer. It’s all that you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel to entice you to discover God. It isn’t god. It isn’t to be worshiped. It is, however, to be cared for. It is to be appreciated and used.

As much as I love creation and the capturing the beauty and mystery of it all, I direct my admiration to its Creator above the awe and wonder of His creation. How about you?

God’s Word! (verses 7-11)

The instructions are perfect. The decrees are trustworthy. The commandments are right. The commands are clear.

Reverence for the Lord is pure & eternal. The laws are true & fair.

David goes on to write that all of these writings/laws/commands/precepts/instructions/warnings/ordinances/etc. are not just expected or appreciated but they are respected, desired, and treasured.

I like to pick and choose the rules that I want to follow, is it just me? I really think the rule that my car needs to stay between my lines on the road and yours on your side of the road is sweet. There are other rules I like less. But here is the thing, all of the rules tell us something about the the rule maker. Their values. Their methods. How they feel about me and so on. It’s the same with God. I think the reason that David is so enamored with God’s Words of instruction is because they give him a greater understanding of the Writer. Our Bible tells us who God is. We have seen the existence through the works of His hand but now reading His Word we know His heart.

Question? Would I describe my Bible as more valuable than the finest gold? Sweeter than pure honey? Maybe so. How would anyone see that in my everyday life? Hmmm.

Our Confession (verses 11-12)

I’ve said this and heard it said many many times over, the longer we know God. The more we study His word. The more we can the flaws in our character revealed. It’s not okay to be unforgiving anymore. It doesn’t feel right to hold on to anger. It is ugly to try to elevate myself in other’s eyes. It’s empty to not give. The list evolves and grows as God transforms my life. Some of the old things are put away, some new things are revealed that don’t line up with the nature of God.

All of this should lead me and all of us to confession. Create in me a clean heart. Cleanse me from those things that I wasn’t aware of before but now I am. In other words, Lord, I give you permission to keep doing this work. I want to reflect who You are.

Our worship! (verse 14)

May the things that I say outwardly, and my inward thoughts and feelings please You my God, my Savior, my Lord. If my thoughts drive my feelings and my feelings drive my actions whether spoken or done then this is a worshipful response to who God is and what He has done in all that I say and do. It can be expressed all over, always. Not just on Easter. Not only on Sundays.

Our worship according to Psalm 19, begins with recognizing our creator, spending time getting to know Him, responding to the correction and instruction with humility, and responding in gratitude.

God bless your journey through this chapter.


Lisa joined the staff at Grace Church in January of 2001. Since that time she has led worship, coordinated the programming of worship services and outreach events, directed the Women's Ministry, decorated, created, served and loved God and people.

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