1 Corinthians 7

Contentment and Obedience

The title of this reading could be marriage rules, to marry or not to marry, or what about sex? I do not envy Paul’s position. I wonder if he ever asked God “how did I end up here, in this global church counselor position?” I wonder if he ever felt ill-equipped to be advising churches in all of these everyday life matters?

Having said all of that, as I read through 1 Corinthians 7, the message that God was highlighting for me had a much broader application and was found right in the middle of the chapter.

It’s about contentment. It’s about not fighting the place that God has allowed for you.

Maybe this spoke to me because it has been a personal battle that I seem to have spent more time fighting than the average person.

When I was young, I spent a lot of time alone. I also spent a lot of time day dreaming. I even remember going through my report cards especially in the early elementary years and there were “daydreaming” comments from the teachers. Ooops! I chalk it up to having an active imagination. As I matured, I read a lot of novels, watched a lot of dramas, and all of this less that godly input really this set me up for a discontented life. It is very easy to see greener grass when that’s what you’re focused on. And no, I am not blaming anyone or anything, I chose to be discontent.

As I have allowed God access to all of my life, not just bits and pieces, I’ve noticed a change in my level of contentment. A really significant change. I still have a pretty active imagination that God can use for His good, but I’m not looking for something better. Not a better sink, a better vacuum, a better car, a better friend, a better husband, a better church, a better song, a better shoe, or a better hamburger. I think you get the idea. Discontentment comes in all sizes and shapes. From not liking the color of the wall to not liking anything about your life.

1 Corinthians 7:32 “I want you to be free from anxieties.” God is transforming every part of you that you give Him access to. He wants you to be free. He wants you to be filled with joy. He wants you to serve and represent Him. Married or unmarried. Divorced, widowed, kids, no kids, broken heart, physical limitations, just being content with Him right here and right now.

1 Corinthians 7:29 “… the appointed time has grown very short.” We have a limited amount of days on this earth. We can spend it praising God and serving Him right where we are in life, or we can spend it wishing we were somewhere else, waiting for our circumstances to change. Either way, the time is growing short.

Disclaimer: For anyone who is a dangerous situation – I’m not speaking of being content with your life threatening circumstances. If you need help please ask. Your situation isn’t about discontentment.

This is for the people who are gazing out the window and waiting for the sun to shine on a rainy day. 1. Honor the godly commitments you’ve made and let God change. That means in your marriage, in your work place, in your relationships, with your children, etc. Realize that God can and will work in you and through you right where you are, and celebrate His power to change you. That’s HIS sweet spot!


Lisa joined the staff at Grace Church in January of 2001. Since that time she has led worship, coordinated the programming of worship services and outreach events, directed the Women's Ministry, decorated, created, served and loved God and people.

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