Music. [Lent Day 13]

Music! describes music as a communication tool. Scripture says that we should praise the Lord with music, with singing, and with gladness!

I have had the opportunity to sing for many years. Early on, even before I was a Christian, I was singing gospel music with a group of friends. God gifted me with a good ear, a home filled with country music where harmonies were easy to follow, and outstanding musicians to teach and sharpen me over time. Since my early teens I’ve been a member of many different choirs. Even tonight, I spent a couple of hours singing with a wonderful adult choir. I have also sung in many many trios and quartets, and other small ensembles. Sung all kinds of music from broadway musicals, to classical oratorios, to jazz standards, to contemporary Christian music.

So what does all of this have to do with Lent? Sacrifice? Confession? Growing spiritually? Preparing to celebrate Jesus’ defeat of sin and death?

Spending the evening (at my choir rehearsal) expressing praise to God helped me appreciate once again the notes and words that have been blended thoughtfully, painstakingly, and prayerfully together to communicate a Hallelujah! God’s almighty power! God’s immeasurable love! Tender mercies.

I just feel incredibly blessed to be surrounded by these opportunities. To have free access to this communication tool in my home, in my car, on my phone, computer, in the church, and even in some stores, restaurants, and schools. I have been reminded, today, of how God can and will most definitely use music to help me prepare and celebrate Him not only for this season but every day I open my life to Him. He will use music to break down the stubborn places in my heart that need to be surrendered to Him. He will use music to show me new insights into who He is and all that He does so I can worship Him more deeply and constantly through my life.

Music is a communication tool and the communication goes two ways.


Lisa joined the staff at Grace Church in January of 2001. Since that time she has led worship, coordinated the programming of worship services and outreach events, directed the Women's Ministry, decorated, created, served and loved God and people.

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