Spring Inspirations [Day 18]

We are God’s “handiwork”.  Romans 1:20 is the only verse that uses this this same word speaking about the creative work that God has done in making all things: In short, Creation.

I really identify with and appreciate that first part of verse 10.  I love knowing that God made me, and that I’m part of His creative work. When I look at the verses preceding this one, I’m a little confused.  Paul clearly reminds the Romans, (that includes us) that our relationship with God is a gift of grace and not of works.  Here in verse 10 he says  “We are created to do good works”.   My quest is why?  Why were we created to do good works, if good works are not good enough for salvation? What is the point of the good works?  Why would God prep us?  (That includes all of our personal details like: the training, the experience, where and when we are born, into what family, etc. etc.) to do good works if they aren’t needed?

And then the AH HA moment came.

Because the good works are the evidence of God’s gracious gift in our life.  He has prepared us so we can shine for Him and be a beacon to the world of what His grace does for sinners.

In my life this ties together like this.  I have been prepared to be creative.  I am inspired by God’s creativity and it propels me to do good work.  I can make a gift to encourage someone, I can create some sort of imagery for corporate worship at church, etc.  God has given me an insatiable desire to use the skills and interests I have to serve Him.

As I have matured in my faith creativity has become one of my modes of worship.  I most definitely connect with God when I’m photographing something of His creation, or painting, or quilting, knitting, crocheting, even doing electronic things.  There is little that brings more peace and joy in my life than to create for the Lord, for His pleasure, and to honor Him and serve others.

That’s me.  You might relate entirely with my story or not in the least, however the truth remains.

  • You are God’s handiwork.
  • He has offered you the gracious gift of salvation, but you have to choose to accept it.
  • He has prepared you to do good works.  Works that serve Him and others.  Works that allow His work to shine through your life to the world around you.

So what are you going to do with this?  Recognize that God is your creator? Accept His gift of salvation? Use the skills and talents that He’s prepared you to do for Him? Only you can decide.


Lisa joined the staff at Grace Church in January of 2001. Since that time she has led worship, coordinated the programming of worship services and outreach events, directed the Women's Ministry, decorated, created, served and loved God and people.

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