Pray. [Lent Day 10]

You know, it would seem as though living an authentic Christian life would just keep growing more and more effortless as time passes. At least that is the way I’d like it to be. How about you?

Even during this time that I’m setting aside, specifically to grow deeper, to confess and turn away that those things that are not honoring to God, and to prepare to celebrate the amazing work done on the cross I can feel the battle. Maybe I should say especially during this time. It would appear that Satan is not happy. Temptations are rediculously impossible to ignore. Peace is harder to come by. At least this is where I am today, if I am being completely honest.

Having “comfessed” all of this as a backdrop, the word that the Lord impressed upon me today was pray. In the garden as Jesus awaits the impending trials, beatings, and crucifixion He is pleading the boys to pray. He says “keep watch and pray, so that you will not give in to temptation. For the spirit is willing but the flesh is week.

Wow, am I experiencing this truth during this lent season. My spirit is willing, but my flesh is so worthless! And wanting and wishing it to be different is not changing a thing. I can’t simply wish my cravings and my contentment without entertainment to disappear.

Digging a little deeper into Matthew 26:41, I tried to place myself in this garden. Having listened to Jesus for 3 plus years of teaching and training. Having left my old life behind and dedicated myself to following Him and living like Him. Jesus, in His last moments with them [and with me] is pleading for us [Christ followers] to pray. Not just hope that temptation will go away, or to expect everything to be all happiness and sunshine, but to actually know and expect that there is opposition that wants to derail us. Wants to distract us. Wants to keep our eyes focused in the wrong direction. The only way that we can deal with this is by prayer. The very same way that Jesus dealt with it.

Lord help me to remember always always to pray! What simple necessary truth I needed today. I hope to be able to share some practical application in the days to come as I work through this as Jesus told me to.


Lisa joined the staff at Grace Church in January of 2001. Since that time she has led worship, coordinated the programming of worship services and outreach events, directed the Women's Ministry, decorated, created, served and loved God and people.

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