#3 Gil – Those friends who have left an imprint on your life

January 11, 2023

When you look back in your life, who were those people who really left a positive imprint on your life?  To make it easier you might want to think in terms of age stages (childhood, Jr. High, Sr. High, Young Adult, etc.).  Or perhaps you might want to think in terms of your career, where you have lived, or various relationships.

We would not be the people we are today without the time, effort, moments, memories, words, and personalities of all these people.  Agreed?

Now think about our Lord.  In scripture, we know very little, in terms of the events and people who personally influenced the development process of Jesus.  Once you get past the influence of Joseph and Mary in Luke 2, we are left wondering.  We know Jesus had siblings, and we even know their names but little more.

Who were those people that rubbed shoulders with Jesus?  Synagogue teachers, village elders, neighbors, fellow artisans, distant family, and various merchants in and around the small village of Nazareth.  But what about the others, and in particular those of His early years?  Children, peers, bullies, cousins, buddies, girls, rivals, and the good, bad, and ugly of the village fringe.

I think for most of us we’ve had all of those types of people in our lives, and I don’t believe I am going out on a limb to say that Jesus probably had them too. 

In your childhood and teen years, did you ever have someone like GIL?  In Hebrew the name is pronounced (Geel) and its meaning implies JOY.  Joy in the sense of someone who has lightness of heart, is positive, refreshing, chipper, and exudes happiness and cheer.  A word picture used by ancient authors would be someone who is spinning around and jumping with unbridled bliss.

We know the way we express our emotions comes, in large part from the influence of those whom we spend our time – especially in our childhood.  And humor, Jewish humor, is woven throughout the pages of the gospels in the words of Jesus.  So I wonder if Jesus had a Gil or two in His life?  Those kids, teens, adults who were lighthearted, people who walked around with bright eyes, a ready smile, with whom He shared belly laughs, giggles, and smirks.  You know the type … just the sound of their voice makes you smile, their snickers break you up, time stands still when you are with them … and when apart you long for them.

In the fall of 2019 I led a group of Asian friends on a tour of Israel.  My normal Jewish guide was unable to be with us so my tour company assigned one to me.  I was apprehensive to say the least as your guide can make or break the experience of the group. 

When I arrived in Israel I met … uh huh, Gil, my guide for the next two weeks.  I immediately felt a sense of relief.  He had a warm smile and a hearty laugh.  He giggled, told sly little jokes, had a soft voice, a welcoming personality, and sort of made you feel that he was your buddy, and you were his.  He was extremely knowledgeable, easy to work with, and always pleasant.

Wow … more than anything, Gil made me feel the joy of the Jewish people as he told us the history of their religion, their culture, and their land.  One evening he took us to the place where his family lived and I felt the joy he had for his wife, kids, friends, and nation.

I hope you have had a Gil or two in your life, and still do today.  Someone from your childhood, school years, work, church, neighborhood, hobbies, etc.  The type of person that fills you up, makes you a better person, lifts your burdens, makes you smile from the memories of your relationship, and inspires you to be like them.

I still smile as I look at the picture of Gil and myself.  It was only two weeks, but a very fun two weeks.  And my love for the Lord, Israel, the Jewish people, life, and my Asian friends grew – because of Gil.

Be a Gil to someone this week.  I’m convinced that Jesus had people just like this in His life.   And I know from my reading of Scripture, the Lord brought a lot of goodness, levity, and kindness into the lives of those He encountered.

BE a GIL!!!

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