#1 A Little Boy – What is it that you see?

December 30, 2023

As a little boy I used to love looking through the lens of my telescope.  Oh, it wasn’t very big, powerful, or expensive … but it gave me a different perspective on life; different than what my natural eyes could see.  It provided a big picture of life outside of my normal range and outlook and the clarity that it brought provided a sense of wonder and amazement.

Now over 60 years later, I so appreciate looking through a good set of lens.  You see a few years ago I had to have eye surgery that put a new set of lens into my eyes.  A medical condition had clouded my eyesight to the point where it was like looking through a foggy tunnel.  I was unable to see the simplest things and was often left uncertain about the normal actions of life; such as driving, shopping, and even reading.

Since surgery, my vision is much better and I again marvel at the things I had previously been unable to see with my natural eyes.

In a similar manner the Bible teaches that man is unable to see life clearly because of a condition called sin.  It clouds our eyes, our thinking, and our perception of God and our fellowman.  Paul described this condition in 2 Corinthians 4:4 “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.”

Jesus spoke often about our eyes and having eyes that could see — see the spiritual world and truth that God offers to humanity.  He said in Matthew 6:22 “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light.”

What the human race needs is a new set of lens to see through.  God provides these with a new birth which comes by faith in the saving grace of Jesus Christ, who died so that we could become a “new creation.”  As thankful as I am for my new physical eyes, I’m so much more thankful for my spiritual eyes that allow me to see God and His perspective about every aspect of life.  These lenses provide me with both a telescopic and microscopic view of life so that I don’t miss anything that He wants me to spiritually see or understand.

A while back a popular movie provided a line of dialog that said, “I see dead people.”  When I look around with my spiritual eyes, I see a world full of people that God loves and desires a relationship with; through His Son Jesus. 

These blogs will simply record my observations of life and the world around me as I look THROUGH the LENS of God’s Word in this New Year – 2023. 

I hope you enjoy the things that He allows me to see. 

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