You know those moments when everything just seems to come together? We all have them at least once in awhile. Kind of like the morning I was out with family waiting for the longest time I had ever waited for breakfast. Eventually, we were seated, placed our orders, and the most exquisite latte arrived. It was so fantastically delicious I was tempted to order a second. (Actually someone else at the table did order a second. It was THAT good.)

Moving a little bitbeyond the coffee- Ahh. Is the best way I can describe that moment when I hear God’s voice. When the words come and the fog clears and thoughts all fall into order. I hope that if you haven’t experienced that moment, you’ll be looking and listening for it.
These are the 3 “random” truths that came together for me today in a profound way.
- Spiritually emptying myself to make room for something better is an intentional action, driven by the desire to deepen my relationship with God. Isn’t this what Lent is all about? I was slightly disgruntled about being so empty last night, I admit it. But this morning I KNEW how valuable the process of staying empty of self to make room for God is.
- Wandering in the desert without progress may be insightful, for a time but, ultimately it is a punishment for sin and the way out is to repent, and put your trust in God. I have been stuck in a rut. Spiritually dry and have been feeling this wandering in the desert thing for a while, but was not owning the truth that Israel’s wandering was directly a result of their unwillingness to trust God and need to provide for themselves and take as much control as possible. Great lessons.
- Realizing that if I want something from God, I have to make an effort. In other words we can, sit and want all day and night, but like the disciples-to-be we aren’t going to receive without taking that important step of obedience. I admit the wanting and considering are pretty easy for me, the action is much less so. I am pretty sure I’m not alone in this.
Why was this an “ahh” experience for me? Because altogether I hear God affirming the fact that Lent, or any other season of sacrificing something of my life solely to seek and honor God is ALWAYS is rewarding. Prayers are answered. Tough situations or decisions that need to be made become clearly directed. More importantly for me, I find a new depth in my relationship with Him.
Secondly because, as I stated right up front, Lent is a time for confession. It’s a time that I have intentionally opened myself up to the Lord for His examination. “Search me, o Lord.” and “create in me a clean heart.” I want to be renewed and have the junk that is weighing me down, hauled away. Only God can do that. He definitely has shown a spotlight on my area of greed and selfish control. This is a hard truth, but necessary and a good one.
Thirdly, the preparation to celebrate Christ my Savior is not something that can be hoped or wished for, it has to be acted on in some way. For me this morning it was the third and final affirmation that I must trust God to provide what I need, fully. Which means I have to give up even more control.
Ahh. God is so very good. In my wandering and floundering, He is good.