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The Church

It was nearly 30 years ago, but I still remember our pastor, in a modest rented room, with no fancy lights, projectors, speakers, or any of the comforts we have become accustumed to, saying “All we have is Jesus and each other”.  That is exactly the same feeling of expectation, or nervous excitement that I feel when I read Acts 11:19-30.  What a turn of events in history!

the church is born

Everything has led to this point.  Seriously!  All of scripture points humanity to recognize God; as creator, as holy, as something or someone from whom they are separated.  All of scripture describes the results of our inherent sin nature.  All of scripture points us to the one and only Savior that is our bridge to God, Christ Jesus.  So when we get to this section of Acts, “The Church in Antioch” we are able to see the evidence of God’s plan coming to fruition. 

Acts 11:21-24 shows us at a glance what the church looked like.

* “the Lord’s hand was with them, and a great number of people believed and turned to the Lord.”  

* when Barnabas arrived “he saw the evidence of the grace of God.”

* “he was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts.”

* “a great number of people were brought to the Lord.”  


We see that people were talking about their new faith in Christ.  More people were coming and learning of possibility of this relationship.  We see that God is sending help, leaders, encouragers, all to shepherd and grow this new and growing group of followers of Christ.  They are called Christians, and they ARE the CHURCH.

It is heart breaking to see how far religious people can stray from the simplicity of what God had set in motion for us 2000 years ago.  And I think always good to look back and remember why.  Why did God gift to us the church?  What are we trying to accomplish together in the church? And how did all of this get started?



When someone comes to faith, they are excited about their new life!  Excited to have been rescued from sin and death. And they share the good news with everyone!  Have you seen that in action?  Have you experienced it in your own life?  I know I have.  When people truly turn their lives around to follow the Lord, the evidence of God’s work is easily seen.  Smiles replace frowns.  Joy replaces burdens.  Purpose replaces emptiness and that change is evident.  It’s contageous.  And more people are added to their number.  That is how what we read about in the city of Antioch with a growing diverse group of people.  They are hearing about a new thing.  A new way of life and eternal security.

The question I have to ask, is that what the church looks like today?  Would the church in Antioch recognize the church today?  We can’t answer for everyone but we can examine our own lives to see whether we are continuing the work that was begun then, to bring people to faith and build the church.


#1 Is the evidence of God’s presence in your life visible to others?  What do they see and hear from your every day life? To whom or to what are the people around you inspired? In other words is your faith authentically seen by everyone around you?  How can you grow in this area?

#2 Do you see God’s work in others’ lives and encourage them? Cheer them on to faithfulness?  Challenge them to to be authentic? Love them to be interested?  Are you willing to invest in them? Who can you invest in right now?

That is what the church looked like when it began and it is exactly what the church should look like today.  People, loving and leading other people toward Jesus.  

Friends, let’s worry about precious little but being “the church” to everyone in our lives.  God will take care of the rest!  


Lisa joined the staff at Grace Church in January of 2001. Since that time she has led worship, coordinated the programming of worship services and outreach events, directed the Women's Ministry, decorated, created, served and loved God and people.

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