If you don’t know or at least had a suspicion based on the number of verses, Psalm 119 is the longest chapter of the Bible. It follows the middle chapter (Psalm 118) which interestingly follows the shortest chapter (Psalm 117). To add more facts about the chapter of the week it is an acrostic. This means that each stanza begins with one of the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet, in succession of course. (i.e. A is for apple B is for banana). In addition, all 22 stanzas are written with 8 verses each and all but 5 (that’s over 97%) of the verses include a reference to the Word of God; terms like word, decree, precept, law, command, promise, and statute are used in my NIV.
Immediately the word “order” comes to mind. God is orderly. Paul writes of it in 1 Corinthians 14:33 and frankly we see it all over in creation, whether looking inside toward the microscopic and the immensely complex order of our bodies, or outside to the vast galaxies, there is order. How fitting is it then, that this devotional Psalm bringing honor to God and His Word, is written in a style that reflects the very nature of God.
By the way, we don’t know the writer(s) of this masterpiece. Some suggest David, others say “no” it may have been Ezra or Nehemiah. Our own Pastor suggested he believed it may have been Jeremiah. Regardless, whoever received the inspiration to “pen” these words, they were writing from the experience of pain and suffering. The were also written to honor the God of the word and the Word of God that opens the door to a relationship, provides stability in difficult circumstances, gives direction, encourages righteousness, and elicits joy! There are many wonderful studies and commentaries written and I particularly appreciated is found on Bible.org.
There are so many familiar phrases that you may have not realized come from Psalm 119, it’s going to be difficult creating a verse photo! “I will obey your word” “Open my eyes that I may see” “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you” “Direct by footsteps according to your word” “Make your face shine upon your servant” “You are my refuge and shield” “All your words are true” “Let me live that I may praise you”. “You are my portion, O Lord” I could go on and on…. there are 176 verses to choose from and with this I close to challenge you to Psalm 119.
Read it or listen to it every day for a week. See where God leads you after that. Try a variety of translations. Hear the authoritative, reliable, powerful WORD of God. Let it lead you into a deeper relationship with Him. Let it stabilize the chaos that might be surrounding you in this moment. Let it provide direction for how to live a fulfilled, transformed, and joy-filled life!