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I hope you are loving reading about the life change in Paul and how God is using him to further the Kingdom. 

acts 13:1-12

My paraphrase:

The Christians in Antioch were gathered fasting, and praying, not satisfied with status quo or comfort, ready for whatever God led them to next.
Meanwhile God was preparing many for a mission that would begin to change the world.  



How much control do we actually have over our lives?  Maybe that is a loaded question but I choose to view is as freeing.  Praise God, He is in control of much more than what I am which means my life is in much more capable hands and that is why I choose to call it freeing.  

So what do I have control over?  

My thoughts, emotions, and actions.  


I’m stepping out on a limb here, but what I see God taking care of is the relationship between everyone’s thoughts, emotions that lead to what they say and do.  Those are led by the Holy Spirit are going to work together for God’s cause beautifully.  Otherwise, God’s going to make good out of what is said and done.   How incredible is that!


In this particular passage the part that the “Christians” play is choosing to meet together.  Not just to go out to a movie or try a new restaurant, but they are individually choosing to gather, to fast, and to pray.  Why? Because they are not satisfied with their status of “Christian” being saved and united with God, no.  They want to grow and go do God’s work and are seeking His direction.

God’s part in this is to have drawn these specific people together.  To know the hearts and abilities of each one and therefore call Saul and Barnabus out for a special assignment.  To equip them for the work that is ahead.  To provide a helper and transportation along with any other needs they had.  To prepare Sergius Paulus to receive the “Good News” God had for Him.  To empower Saul to do a miracle and demonstrate God’s power which seals the deal for the Island’s leader.  Imagine how much of an influence he was to all of the rest of the inhabitants. 


So why did I choose the word “while”?  It spoke volumes to me.  God is sovereign.  His will is perfect and will come to fruition.  We can play a role in that plan, or not.  But this is the amazing worship moment I want to share with you today.  So often we as Christians would raise our hand and certainly agree to do whatever God asked, right.  At least to some degree.  The place we get stuck is not knowing what to do or how or when, am I right?  I mean we want the Saul and Barnabus experience.  God says, everyone agrees that we are to do XYZ and our figurative bags are packed complete with supplies, maps, and a simple and unchallenging itinerary.  Sounds awesome!  

What actually happens is WHILE we are gathering, WHILE we are fasting, WHILE we are praying.  WHILE we are living our lives to shine Jesus all over.  WHILE we are already loving and serving people.  WHILE we are attentively listening.  WHILE we have opened our hearts and schedules and abilities to be of use.  WHILE all of that is going on God is using us and preparing us for the next thing that He will lead us to.

That is my challenge to each of us today.  

1. Gather with your church. They are the people who are going to love you, encourage you and challenge you to not be satisfied with your status, but to be a useful member of God’s family.

2. Fast or let go of the comforts of your routine, your schedule, your things that keep you so tightly bound to this world.  The practice of spiritual disciplines like simplicity, silence, sacrifice, serving, and literally fasting and prayer come to mind.  Hey did you notice the highlight of the word “practice”.  Like all disciplines these actvities or options need to be practiced in order to strenthen your faith. 

3. Pray.  In other words talk to God about your willingness to serve Him, WHILE you are already living in obedience.  He will reward your request by giving you new opportunities to make a spiritual difference in someone’s life.  


Lisa joined the staff at Grace Church in January of 2001. Since that time she has led worship, coordinated the programming of worship services and outreach events, directed the Women's Ministry, decorated, created, served and loved God and people.

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