Spring Inspirations [Day 35]

Wow it has been a long day, long couple of days, and I am tired. Frankly, when I am tired my attention tends to zero right in on ME.  I feel all of those aches and pains more acutely than usual.  Little efforts become big efforts and at some point I just want to give up and give in.  Been there? I’m sure you have.  Some of you live such full busy lives that you practically live there and I can only imagine the will power it takes to serve and keep on serving.

With that little confession out of the way, our verse for today is Galatians 6:9.  I thought long and hard about this verse today as I dragged through all of the tasks that needed to be done.  It actually kept me going because I had a reason to do the good I was attempting to do, even though it was hard and it hurt and I wanted to go lay down, and, and, and.

The word that stood out to me beyond the “don’t give up” message was the word, “good”.   So I looked up what specifically was meant by the use of this particular word.  The original word for “good” in verse 9 is kalos.  Kalos means: excellent, praiseworthy, beautiful, commendable, admirable, genuine, precious.

If you keep reading through verse 10 the idea of doing good continues to be encouraged. This word is agathos and it means: useful, agreeable, honorable, pleasant, joyful.

So verse 9 is telling us that we should not quit (assuming we’ve already started) doing stuff that is fantastic, notable, stuff that requires a genuine effort, even though it’s hard.  And then verse 10 to follow up reminds us that we should take advantage of opportunities to do good things that contribute to the cause of Christ.  Useful stuff.  Encouraging stuff.

Oh my friend, I can empathize with you in those moments that you want to give up.  Physically for sure, but much more so spiritually, and emotionally as well.

Difficult relationships?  Don’t give up doing good for the sake of the Lord.  He will reward your beautiful, commendable, excellent effort.  It might not, in fact it probably won’t be, on your time table. (If your time is anything like mine,  I want the fruit of my labor to be seen and felt NOW, or tomorrow would probably be okay too.)  Patiently trust in God’s timing, He is surely patient with us.

What about those prayers that have been prayed for months, into years?  Don’t give up!  Keep on praying.  Keep on doing genuine, praiseworthy good things and wait for the harvest.

The more you line your desires up with the Lord’s desires, the easier it becomes to not give up doing good.  You are going to faithfully do your part (in an excellent praiseworthy manner) and God will do His part.  The glory will go to Him and the blessings will come back to us.


Lisa joined the staff at Grace Church in January of 2001. Since that time she has led worship, coordinated the programming of worship services and outreach events, directed the Women's Ministry, decorated, created, served and loved God and people.

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