Remember. [Lent Day 8]

Today I joined a beloved family in their celebration of the life of precious father/husband/grandpa, etc. that had passed on to be with Jesus just a short time ago. Several comments loved ones made have stuck with me throughout the day today. Thoughts that reminded me again what it is that I’m dwelling on during this season.

  • We were asked to choose one of Dad’s very best character qualities and live that out in our lives to honor him. Isn’t that just exactly what Jesus has asked us to do? Absolutely yes! 1 John 2:6 says whoever claims to be a Christian really needs to show it by living your life as Jesus did. In other words walking the walk. Question: Am I living out my faith in a way that people can see me and tell who I am following?
  • Another comment that was repeated made was that Dad loved generously and treated everyone like family. Knowing him as I did, I fully agree with everyone. It is also true that Jesus gave us a new command in John 13:34 which was to love one another, as Christ has loved, so also should love one another. Question: Am I loving like Jesus? Am I loving my Church family? Can people see actions that are driven by love?
  • A beautiful poem was read about /Grandpa’s/Dad’s hands which told the story of a full life that ended here on this earth and began in heaven when he was lifted up to be with Jesus. The moment was transcendent as I thought about that very first encounter of Jesus face to face. To hear His voice. To know Him fully. Woah, even imagining it was moving worship experience. Question: How often do I look into eternity and see the purpose in Jesus’ gift to mankind? How often do I see this moment of encountering God face to face? Am I sharing my excited anticipation with anyone? Am I living with that excited expectation?

It is good to take the time to remember. Things you’ve experienced and learned in life. People that you’ve loved and the legacy they have left behind.

Jesus asked us to remember Him regularly. To remember His sacrifice of perfect love. To remember His instruction and example for our lives. It is the very least we can do to honor His memory.


Lisa joined the staff at Grace Church in January of 2001. Since that time she has led worship, coordinated the programming of worship services and outreach events, directed the Women's Ministry, decorated, created, served and loved God and people.

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