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Are you reading with us? For years I have been pretty enamored with Joseph and this whole story.  Even though this story is quite familiar, I am learning new things about God and His plan than I had before.  I hope you can say the same. Sometimes I think we skip over the familiar and that is a shame.  

This week I experienced many worship moments as I read and re-read these chapters.  Overwhelmingly, I could appreciate the generosity of God’s provision for all of the people involved.  We’ll talk about that a little later.

Let’s start by reviewing all of the things that were going on in this week’s chapters.

Genesis 44-47

Chapter 44 
Now that the rest of the brothers had fulfilled his requirement to bring Benjamin, Joseph sends the 11 back to Canaan with their provisions and money, (like before) plus he adds his special silver cup. 

Side note: This silver cup, though it was unlikely to actually be used by Joseph for anything, it was a symbol of his position.  Apparently, anyone who was anyone, had one of these “Jeanie in a bottle” type cups. Joseph, however, had God. 

Anyway, this silver cup was placed very specifically in Benjamin’s sack.  Why?  My goodness, there are no clear answers given. A good theory is that Joseph (or God) wanted to learn (show the readers) if any of the brothers had matured over the past 13 years. Yes, it was a 13-year “missing persons” case. Let that sink in for a moment. Thirteen years of guilt.  Thirteen years of Benjamin watching his father mourn.  Thirteen years of Jacob feeling abandoned.  

The answer was “yes”.  Judah in particular has learned how to stand up and put the well-being of others before himself.  Awesome! 

Chapter 45
The jig is up!   After the 3rd meeting with the brothers, Joseph opens up to share the truth about his identity.  In this chapter, you see a beautiful picture of restoration and forgiveness.  All of this is made possible because Joseph’s heart has been dependent upon the Lord.   He may not have been able to see the whole picture when he was being carted off as a slave, or when he was in prison under false charges, but the whole story becomes clear in this chapter.  

Joseph and the Pharoah invite the entire clan of Israel to live in this place of refuge and prosperity, Egypt.

Chapter 46
Jacob/Israel and his 66 children & grandchildren move.  The lineage is recorded for history,  and the family that is to become the nation of Israel is given a new home.  They are separated from the Egyptians, for many reasons, and everyone and everything is set in motion for growth.

Chapter 47
The opening of this chapter concludes the last chapter with the rules of the new settlement established and the relationships solidified. 

The bulk of the chapter then describes how Joseph’s interpretation of Pharoah’s dreams was fulfilled.  The land is under severe famine and the people end up giving everything to “the state”.  It’s a great deal for Pharoah and essential for the people at the same time.  

Why did I choose the topic of provision?    We could have talked about the fulfillment of prophecy.  We could have talked about forgiveness.  We could have talked about maturing.  However, the heart of this whole storyline to me is found in Genesis 45:7 “But God sent me ahead of you…to save your lives by a great deliverance.”

God provides!  God always provides. 

Just how much has God provided throughout this journey from chapter 12 on? 
Well let’s be real, how much have we seen God provide from chapter 1?
Stop and think about it.  


This is one of the lessons that I learned by grace through the journey with my parents’ illness and deaths.  It is during the most difficult seasons that these truths become evidenced in your life, in my experience.  You can read and believe in your head that God provides.  But, when you’re alone, needing the wisdom, stamina, and patience, that you don’t have on your own, you know the grace and mercy of God. You know when these things appear from nowhere that you desperately needed.  You just know that the only reason you’re physically and emotionally able to do what you have done that day was that God provided.


These are some of the places I saw God provide in this reading both large and small. 

  • God gave Joseph the wisdom to engage his brothers and take a look at their hearts and that made their relationships grow. 
  • God gave Judah enough life experience to know when to stand up and, frankly, grow up!
  • God gave Benjamin the chance to know, love, and learn from the brother he’d lost in his childhood.
  • God gave the whole family of Jacob a means and place to live and thrive, protected, secluded, and resourced. 
  • God gave Israel the documentation of their history and purpose.  This story is still being told 3,000 years later.  

So what does God’s provision mean for us this week?

God is a good provider.  This is a lesson that Jacob, Joseph, and all of Israel could learn in the account of these events. In turn, you should: 

      1.  Be grateful for all that you have and not worried about what you don’t.
      2.  Be grounded in your walk with God.  He will provide what you need and show you what to let go of.
      3.  Be generous with others! Showing them the goodness of God.


Lisa joined the staff at Grace Church in January of 2001. Since that time she has led worship, coordinated the programming of worship services and outreach events, directed the Women's Ministry, decorated, created, served and loved God and people.

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