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Esther’s story is pretty unforgettable isn’t it?  God inspired Esther and Mordecai to finalize their story with a decree that all Jews should celebrate together each year as a memorial.  A time when God “turned their to JOY!”  Purim is still celebrated today – 3,000 years later.  Wow!  It makes me wonder, what I could possibly do for God that would be remembered for even a fraction of that time.

Esther 9 & 10

In a nutshell, chapters 9 and 10 allow all to read about how the story of Xerses, Haman, Mordecai, and Esther concluded. The book is a snapshot of a couple tumaltuous years of the history of the Jews, God’s chosen.  Due to Xerses’ ignorance and Haman’s hatred the entire population could have been completely wiped out. But God had a much more important plan in the works and used Esther’s willing obedient heart and Mordecai’s devotion to turn the tables and give the world a reason to know the One and Only God.  

I see God woven through this story because only He is good.  Though they will continue to try, His enemy; sin, selfishness, and destruction can not overcome.  

Without the mention of His name, we see the prominence of God.  He is in control and His will is done.

In addition to the main character Esther, who rises in prominence because of God’s hand we see the same happen to Mordecai, the Jew. In the beginning, Mordecai already worked for Xerses.  He already had responsibilities and was recognized for his work. However, as the pressure of evil increases, Mordecai’s influence increases. Eventually, he is elevated to the position of second in command.  I don’t think that Mordecai ever aspired to such prominence. Do you? In Esther 9:4 we read that he became more and more powerful.  

Side note: Joseph (son of Jacob/Israel) also was elevated in prominence from a slave to second in command over Egypt.  Joseph also was used by God to save the lives of God’s chosen.  Good lessons that God wants to impress upon us are repeated for our edification, amen?!

Esther 10:3 explains that Mordecai was held in high esteem because he worked for the good of his people.  

Of course we cannot ignore  the obvious Queen Esther who was elevated in prominence from one of thousands of girls in the land, available to serve, marry, and bear children as were her peers. Esther is chosen out of that great number to become queen and to be used by God as an influence on the king. Her humility and obedience like Abraham, Moses, and David before her were the character qualities that God chose.


Back to my original question.  What could I possibly do for God that would make a lasting impact?  

What did Mordecai do?  Let’s talk about what he didn’t do.

He did not compromise.  Oh my goodness this is convicting to me right now in the simple area of the food I’ve eaten in this past week.  Why?  Because I had made a decision to limit (with the final goal of eliminating) a group of items from my diet.  All is well for a time.  But then… blessings in the form of treats, goodies, and temptations come.  One bite turns quickly into a broken promise and the guilt that trails behind.  

How easily Mordecai could have compromised.  He could have tried to keep the peace.  He could have made his life easier, at least for a time.  But he did not.  His allegiance was to God alone and even when facing the judgment of Haman, Mordecai chose to worship God only.  

He did not put himself first. Instead of protecting himself, he sacrificed his own comfort for the good of his people.  

A good question to ask and continually assess is Who is first?  Who gets the first slice of time? The first slice of energy?  The first fruits of resources?  


This week I pray that you will be challenged to make a stand for God that will not be compromised.  Maybe that is something that you’ll no longer watch, read, or listen to.  Maybe it is something that you WILL watch, read, or listen to that brings you closer to to God and better prepares you to be used by Him.

Secondly I pray that you are challenged to ask God to show you who is truly first in your life.  Keep an eye on where your time, effort, and resources are being devoted to.  Ask God to help you redirect something from a selfish endeavor to a godly endeavor.  

Why bother? Because I so desire to see you elevated by God.  Let Him lift you up and use you in a way that will be prominent for His glory and for all of eternity.


Lisa joined the staff at Grace Church in January of 2001. Since that time she has led worship, coordinated the programming of worship services and outreach events, directed the Women's Ministry, decorated, created, served and loved God and people.

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