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Are you a list maker? I am.  I not only enjoy writing things down just for the simple pleasure of crossing them off, but lists have become a necessity if I have more than one thing to think about or to do. 

Lists can help us collect a variety of ideas and organize them into broader, more manageable categories.  More importantly, lists can bring to light those things that are time sensitive or critical, versus those things that can wait or are less important.  

Whether you embrace lists or not they can be incredibly beneficial to your everyday life. That is why I was so drawn to this short and powerful list.

God doesn’t give us many lists, have you noticed? He wants our hearts to be devoted to Him rather than concerning ourselves with a list of dos and don’ts that may lead us to pride, or to comparisons with others, etc. Those things tend to pull our attention away from God and center it on “ME”.

However, we can learn about Him through this list and the attitudes and actions that go against His character.

Let’s take a look.

Proverbs 6:16-19

Six things the Lord hates, (is an enemy of)

seven that are detestable (disgusting/gross) to Him.

  1. Haughty (raised up/lofty/presumptuous) eyes
  2. A lying (deceitful) tongue (language)
  3. Hands that shed innocent blood (no explanation needed)
  4. A heart (soul) that devises (engraves) wicked schemes (imaginations or inventions)
  5. Feet that are quick (hasty) to rush  into evil (affliction/harm)
  6. A false (deceptive) witness who pours (blows/speaks) out lies
  7.  A man who stirs up (sends out) dissension (strife/contention) among brothers (who is your brother?)


Did you notice that I bolded the “body parts”?  From head to toe, God imparted wisdom to Solomon to pass on to his audience (then and now).  

  1. Eyes are meant to see the potential in people.  (Ephesians 2:10)
  2. Tongues are not meant to tear down, mislead, or deceive.  (Ephesians 4:29)
  3. Hands are meant to be lifted in worship, laid on others in prayer, and joined in community with one another.  (Mark 9:43)
  4. Hearts are meant to love and be devoted to God and others.  (Mark 12:30-31)
  5. Feet are meant to bring good news. (Romans 10:14-15)  The Word of God will light our way. (Psalm 119:105).  

 6. & 7. The last couple of verses more broadly speak to our mindset.  The question is, are we more interested in helping others or ourselves?   

Again, who are we more interested in?  Our actions speak far louder than words and the authenticity of our faith is seen in our love toward each other.  (John 13:35)


God is perfect and we are not.  He doesn’t ask us to be perfect, He asks for our whole heart and devotion.  The closer we walk with Him, the more our eyes and tongues, hands and feet, words and deeds will look and sound like Him.  


By giving Him permission to change our life.
Submitting our will to His. 
Discovering God’s will through His word. 
Repenting when we are wrong.
Praying for the power to do and be better.


Lisa joined the staff at Grace Church in January of 2001. Since that time she has led worship, coordinated the programming of worship services and outreach events, directed the Women's Ministry, decorated, created, served and loved God and people.

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