This is the verdict.

Sounds really ominous, doesn’t it?
The verdict is that people love their sin and selfishness more than anything else. They are afraid of the light because it will expose the sin they want to hide.
This reminds me of the sweet little “cutie pie” who gets into trouble. Every parent knows how quickly their 2-year-old tries to hide their crime. We the parents, recognize the guilty look. Their immature attempt to hide their sin fails because of our wisdom and experience. This might be oversimplified, but it’s really a sign of what is in our human hearts. That is a fact.
This verse stuck with me all week. In fact, there is SO MUCH that could be talked about in this chapter but instead of the whole, it was this verse that captured my attention. But why?
Maybe because of its boldness.
Maybe because it gave me an insight into the reasoning behind some people’s backward, illogical, thoughtless statements that I read and hear about lately.
Maybe because this statement shook me awake.
Or maybe because it made me feel. Broken.
Because people I love will not see the Kingdom of God. (John 3:3)
Because I know too many people who are living under judgement. (John 3:18)
Because people outside and inside the church don’t relinquish all that they have to the God from whom it came. (John 3:27)
Because those who have eternal life are in the minority, and I feel powerless to do anything about it. (John 3:36)
I don’t say this because I want to ruin anyone’s day. I say this because it is time to wake up. There are no shades of grey in John 3. There is no, good enough, or close enough.
There is a war between what is true and what is a lie. A battle between Life and Death. And a laser focus is desperately needed for the believer to distinguish between what is earthly/temporal and what is heavenly/eternal.
Every day we need to remember that Jesus has already fought and won this conflict on our behalf, and whoever has accepted it has certified that God is truthful.
Pray with me.
God help me live in the light, obedient to your word. Help me be laser-focused on the things that matter eternally and a witness for You to the people You loved enough to die for. Today this feels like my battle and my heart is heavy for all of those living in darkness, use me as Your ambassador. Wake someone who is lulled into thinking that everything and everyone is right in their own eyes. Lift the blinders to let us all see Your pure, narrow, and perfect truth. Amen.