Job 1 & 2

This faith walk I’m on is a journey, right? I say that as a disclaimer because I have to admit years ago I viewed the book of Job as depressing, and avoided it. This poor man Job, that suffered and suffered and suffered, and for what reason?? Because he was a good guy? How is that inspiring?

More recently I appreciated the book much more because of the ending conversation between Job and God. There aren’t a lot of scripture passages that allow us to see God himself speaking about himself, not at this kind of length. It is powerful! Read chapters 38-40, seriously. God had me at, “where were you when I lead the foundation of the earth?” If I need to remember who needs to be in charge of my life, and why, I can start reading at Job 38:4 and I am aligned properly with my all powerful creator like a joint out of place being reset.

This week my study is on Job 1 & 2. In reading and looking more deeply at this passage I can appreciate still more about this wonderful book and it’s distinct characters.

Character 1: Job

As I said at the top, Job is a good guy. God even describes him as “the greatest man among all of the people of the East”. Job, husband and father of 10, cares deeply about his family, regularly offering sacrifices to God in the event that they had sinned. Job, “feared God and shunned evil”. What more can be said? He was so good he had the attention of Satan.

What does this mean for me: Do I fear God and shun evil to the point that I am attracting the attention of others, even Satan? That would be a quite a compliment, wouldn’t it!

Character 2: Satan (et. al.)

We actually learn a lot about Satan in this passage. He is reporting to God, which means he is still under God’s authority, he also has to gain God’s permission to wreck Job’s life. He is not alone, but working with a number of angels who are on his team and who are also are needing to “present themselves before the Lord”, so he is not all powerful (omnipotent). He is only able to be at one place at one time, like any other created being. He’s been “roaming through the earth”. As opposed to God who doesn’t roam about the earth because He is everywhere (omnipresent). Satan has obviously had his eye on Job because in verse 9-10 he is able to describe a Job’s “blessed” life to God. Satan isn’t all knowing (omniscient) like God, because we see him make a gambling statement. He figures the only reason Job is so fantastic is because God has made his life so easy. Side note: Don’t we all think that when we see people gaining popularity or success, well…. of course they are popular, look at how talented, good looking, and intelligent they are. Of course we can’t be that successful because we aren’t so blessed. Isn’t that the narrative that runs through our minds as we justify why we are not as “good”? Maybe that’s just me.

What does this mean for me: Satan is real and he is able to create devastation. But his power is also limited, so do I fear the testing and the tragedy? Or do I fear and worship God, knowing that isn’t a recipe for a “blessed life”, but an invitation for trouble?

God: I really want to say that only goodness and blessing, love and peace are the descriptors of your life when you surrender control of your life to God. I really do. I want to say that only God protects me as a believer and nothing bad will ever come my way, but that just isn’t true. I can say that God loves me and does want the best life for me, as any parent would for their children. Just as Job wanted for his children. But I also know that sometimes good really comes through hardship. Refinement and purification come through the fire.

What does this mean for me: God is the almighty. He is good. He is love. He is creator. He is my Lord. Those things are all true. Truth doesn’t change depending on the circumstances or how I feel about the circumstances. Because I can count on what is true, I can KNOW Him. I can worship Him because He is my constant.

As you read through Job 1 and 2 the story goes on- Job is struck with losing almost everything; his 20,000 plus animals, his vast number of servants and property destruction, and his 10 children. Job had NO IDEA what was going on behind the scenes but he knew his LORD. Round 2 Job is struck physically. I don’t know about you but I had to be sick, or in pain, or or or. But again, he had no idea that this was a spiritual battle God was going to win over Satan and Job was the only player. Neither did Job know God was going to bless him beyond measure when this horrible event was over. It didn’t really matter. Because in plenty and in want, God is God and His name is to be blessed.


Lisa joined the staff at Grace Church in January of 2001. Since that time she has led worship, coordinated the programming of worship services and outreach events, directed the Women's Ministry, decorated, created, served and loved God and people.

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