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If you’re following along with our Bible Reading Plan you have already discovered the shift.  We’re not only moving to the New Testament, we’re moving in to take a closer look at a smaller timespan and a single subject.  Come along with me and let’s explore.

Acts 7:44-8:3

Since our subject for this quarter is Paul, It seems logical that we’d be looking at lessons from his life, and we certainly will.  But today, although we need to note meeting the young Saul, later referred to as Paul. Because he was there this is his introduction. Just like every other witness,  perpetrator, or victim in this brutal event, the course of his life was affected and our lives continue to be affected.  However today, we’re going to place Saul in the background and look at the backdrop and other characters involved.


Worship Moments

Time out. Do to ever stop to think about how the words from a historical event, 2000 ish years ago, can possibly mean anything to your life today? In my mind, this is nothing short of miraculous!  That God took the painstaking effort to share snapshots to help us in our life in this world. Why?  But God. 

Take some time to thank God for every precious word and ask for understanding that is life-changing today.


Let’s focus on this event, more specifically how the event ever came to be.  To do so we need to look back to chapter 6.  

Stephen – chosen to care for the believers. (Acts 6:5)

The Freedmen – These are Jewish men (either by birth or conversion is debated) that were in Roman prisons and were set free. (Acts 6:9)

My synopsis: 

The Freedmen started their own synagogues and felt threatened by the power and authority of Stephen.  Stephen was unbeatable and it was messing with their territory.  Ironically, Stephen was preaching the gospel of Christ who is the ONE and ONLY way to God the Father and the Eternal Freedom from slavery to sin.  Be that as it may, these men like us today, were strongly connected to this world and believed that they were right in getting rid of the trouble Stephen was causing.  So they manufactured a case and took it to the big dogs (Sanhedrin).  (Acts 6:12) 

Doesn’t that sound familiar?  (Look no further than the gospels.)

The “trial” was conducted which gave Stephen the opportunity to give a powerful speech. The truth spoken rankled everyone who didn’t want to face their own sin. The history of God’s love for His chosen, Israel, and their disobedience and rejection of Him was recounted and they all had a choice to make.  The choice was to examine their hearts, repent of their sin, and turn around to follow Christ or continue to reject Him and try to eliminate the truth-tellers.  

Stephen had made that choice earlier and the result of a radically changed life was that he could stare death in the eyes and extend a God-given grace to those who were going to kill him.  It is evidence of his faith and the most powerful moment of this story.  



I entitled this post “Jealousy” because it is the root cause of soooooo much trouble.

You might have a different take on the cause for the severe actions the men of this synagogue took.  But, my first thought was they were envious of Stephan’s power and authority, ability to do miracles, his grace, his ability to communicate, and his passion for God stemmed from a deeply personal relationship with Him.  

Further, why were they so angry? They were “furious” with Stephen.  In Act 5:33 the members of the Sanhedrin were “furious, and wanted to put [Peter and the apostles] to death” then and there because of the message they were preaching.  In Acts 5:17 we find out that this started with the Sadducees being jealous and having sent the apostles to jail.  

Jealousy doesn’t need to lead to murder, murderous attempts, or threats.  But it’s something that we can all relate to. From the beginning, feelings of jealousy led to sinful actions and James 4:2 tells us that these feelings burn within us and lead us to take what they have away. In this case, they are taking a life, and eliminating their opposition. Or so they think.

Imagine if instead of debating against Stephen, these men had listened.  
How would God have turned things around for them if they had taken a cue from Stephen’s attitudes and actions? 
What could their lives have been like if they had taken the time to pray for wisdom and wait on God’s answer?


What about us?

How often do we compare ourselves to others?  
How often do we dwell on thing that don’t belong to us or attributes that we don’t have?

This whole story would read very differently if any of them had put their opinions aside and listened, considered the authenticity of God’s work in the accused’s life, and prayed and waited on God for direction.

Philippians 4:8 Says that we should “think on what is true, honorable, and right”… Taking the time to redirect our attention from what we are not, or do not have,  and put on things that matter to God. 



Lisa joined the staff at Grace Church in January of 2001. Since that time she has led worship, coordinated the programming of worship services and outreach events, directed the Women's Ministry, decorated, created, served and loved God and people.

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