I’m spending more time in the WORD these days, how about you? I actually completed a whole Bible reading plan in 2020 which was great as a review and good overview God’s story and plan for our lives.
What I missed though was digging deeper, not that I couldn’t but I just didn’t. The reflection time has a much greater impact in my life than an overview reading.
Because of that I am thrilled to be taking part in this year’s study plan. We’re just looking at one (occasionally two) chapters for a whole week. And I’m ready to spend some time meditating, reflecting, and sharing some thoughts about these readings.
Today I just wanted to share a couple of things from Genesis 1 and 2 that seem timely because they are timeless truths that should make a difference in our thoughts and behaviors.

1. God is in control!
He was in control during creation when all that He spoke into existence was good. He was in control when He made man and woman after his image and likeness and it was very good. He has always been and always will be. Because I know this, I don’t have to be a victim of circumstances. I have all that I need to live today with confidence and gratitude.
Honestly, without the foundation of God’s character and His Word, I would be lost in confusion and frustration with and reacting and over reacting to everything going on around me. There is hope and help for a better life when you let God do His job, which is to be in control, and you do your job of loving and serving Him and others.

2. God’s creation is organized, planned, detailed, and trustworthy, because He is trustworthy and all that He has created is a reflection of HIM.
Many of you know that my husband and I spent the past year and a half on a new home. From the beginning of choosing a location – drawing the plans – hiring a draftsman and a builder – selecting all of the materials and so on. It was a project! One decision hinged upon another because in the end everything needed to work in harmony. As I reflect on God’s creation this week I am awed by the magnitude of His accomplishments with its billions of details, including systems and laws that provide longevity. I can worship Him for that alone in awe and wonder. I’m also inspired to strive toward excellence in my creativity. Thoughtful. Purposeful. Colorful. Interesting. Amazing.
We are made in His image. We are all creatives. And our creativity should reflect it’s Maker and make Him smile.
Thank You Lord for this timely and timeless reminder that there are no surprises, nothing unexpected going on in my life and the world around me. May our eyes, hearts, and minds be drawn closer to You today than yesterday and may You be honored in the process. Amen