Competition is what’s happening right at the moment and somewhere around 10 million people are watching two division 1 NCAA men’s basketball teams battle for the coveted championship title. I am following on my phone with less than 5 minutes in regulation to play. The outcome will determine whether I am or my baby boy is the champion in our annual family bracket pool. This is down to the wire! Very exciting stuff here.
If that isn’t enough excitement for an old lady, I have 2 competitions tomorrow. One of those has to do with an online group of women who are working hard to meet their health goals. The other has to do with finding the best singers for a quartet to perform with our community choir.
That’s a lot of competition going on for my simple life.
There is another competition going on for our souls every day. We can’t see this spiritual battle but we know from scripture it is going on. It is the battle between Satan and his creator, the Lord God Almighty.

“The thief [Satan] comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I [Jesus] have come that they [humanity] may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10
Satan is called the “father of lies” and as such, he will do what ever it takes to distract, discourage, and lead us to destruction both in this life and to eternal separation from God forever. We follow him right down this path thinking that we’ve got everything under control meanwhile he’s laughing all the way as he ushers us to destruction.
On the other side, so much of the world, so many of my friends and family and yours are missing the fact that Jesus desperately wants to give us life!
This is a battle friends. Our friendly (and even less than friendly) competitions cannot compare to the battle for our souls. My prayer is that God use me to fight with Him for the lives that have not yet chosen Him as their Lord, Savior, and Champion!