Spring Inspirations [Day 11]

It is late. I am tired and my head is throbbing.

Everyone can relate to those kind of days where you’re just on the go.  All good stuff.  Just a long day.

Jesus had days like this.   Go go go, more people, more demands. And at the end of the day what He needed to do was go spend time with His Dad to be refreshed.

Paul could also relate to days like this mentally, emotionally,  maybe even physically exhausting days.  Undoubtedly there were spiritually exhausting days.

I imagine one of these days Paul was thinking of his friends in Philippi.  They had obviously heard that he was not doing well and had been taken prisoner and I imagine they were worrying.

If you aren’t familiar with Paul, he is a Jew that has encountered Jesus, and committed his life to sharing the good news about his new relationship with Christ with everyone possible.  Therefore Paul does a lot traveling and a lot of praying. He starts a lot of churches where people commit their lives to Christ and then writes letters to them filled with great spiritual advice when he can’t get around to visit them in person.  Just two verses earlier (Philippians 4:6) Paul tells the Philippians not to be anxious, but to pray with thanksgiving.  As I read through these verses the circumstances became a little clearer to me.

The folks that he is currently writing to have been his biggest supporters, financially and prayerfully as well.  They are worried sick about Paul. He’s escaped death so many times already and is currently in prison.  Paul is writing to reassure and encourage them.

My simple translation of this conversation would sound like this– You guys are the best!  Thanks so much for the cash. Because of you I am all set right now. Just to confirm, yes, I am in prison, but it’s not nearly as bad as it sounds.  You know my life is just about spreading the gospel message and you would not believe how many people are hearing about Jesus’ message right now.  People that I never ever would have been able get to if I hadn’t been here.  So please don’t worry about me, it may not be the Hilton, but the job is getting done!  Just keep praying for God’s work here, and keep on representing Christ where you are by your words and the way you’re living.  Oh and don’t forget–if you are feeling down, or afraid, or uncertain here is something that has helped me a lot….[insert Philippians 4:8]


From Paul to the Philippians nearly 2000 years ago to us today the advice is still so relevant and beneficial. If you are confused, or sad, or anxious, or angry, and so on–think of these things.

I like to go for a walk if I can.  Sometimes simple things like an iris that I have seen many many times before will grab my attention and I will look closely and be captivated by all of the detail in this lovely part of God’s creation.  I can guarantee that every single time, whatever burden I began my walk with has lifted as my attitude and outlook has changed.  Give it a try!


Lisa joined the staff at Grace Church in January of 2001. Since that time she has led worship, coordinated the programming of worship services and outreach events, directed the Women's Ministry, decorated, created, served and loved God and people.

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