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Two faithful guys.
They knew what they were doing, why, how, and when to get it done.  I LOVE it!  Let’s dig in together.

Acts 14:1-7

These are the four statements that truly spoke to me as I read about Paul and Barnabas in Iconium

  • They went “as usual” (Acts 14:1)
  • They “spoke [so] effectively” (Acts 14:1)
  • God confirmed their message (Acts 14:3)
  • When they were no longer effective, they moved on. (Acts 14:6)


What is your routine? Your routine for serving God. 
I have the advantage of working in an environment that is all about serving God.  It is a privilege and a responsibility, but even if I didn’t.  My day would have to begin with a routine commitment to honor and serve God.  It isn’t only done inside of a church.  In fact, it is most effectively done outside. So what is your routine?

Where are you most effective?  Are you growing?  Do you need help?
We offer an array of classes at Grace Church.  We call them Grace U classes and they really are all geared to raise your effectiveness game.  Whether you’ve just met Jesus or you’ve known and walked with Him for many years there is room for growth and there is no reason to ignore the help that is available. If you are not part of Grace Church then who can you find to challenge and equip you for effective ministry?

How can you be certain? How is God confirming your words and deeds? Do you have a peace that is beyond expectation?  Do you have wisdom and words that “came from nowhere” to encourage, love, and challenge others? Do you walk away from encounters (ministry opportunities)  with joy and hope? There are many ways that God might confirm or affirm your actions, there are many ways that God’s miraculous powers work in people’s lives.  You need to look for them.

When is it time to move on? Moving on seems like giving up, doesn’t it?  Maybe your faith isn’t strong enough? It just doesn’t feel right. You might not be run out of town as Paul and Barnabas were it is important to remember you are ultimately only in control of one piece in God’s evangelism plan.  


All four of these questions really hinge on the part that you can control.  You can control your thoughts, emotions, and actions.  

You cannot control your effectiveness.  Well that sounds crazy.  Of course you can be prepared and excellent in whatever you are doing, but the best speech or the best act of service in the world still may not be effective.  Look at Acts 14:2, 4. The town was divided.  Meaning even though their speech was so effective many came to Christ, and all of them didn’t.  In fact, some of them put a plan together to “take them out!” Not a sign of effectiveness, agreed?  So effectiveness relies on something beyond you and your abilty.  It takes the receiver’s ability to respond and the Holy Spirit’s power to convict and convince.

Likewise you cannot empower yourself nor experience the confirmation that God is with you and working through you without Him.  Words and deeds done out of your own power without God’s power just fall short.  (Psalm 84:5)  Clearly the confirmation part is wholly in God’s court.

Finally, for you to to continue preaching when the people are opposed to your message or just not listening all is like trying to pour water in a bucket with a hole in the bottom.   Yes, I have a watering can with a hole in the bottom.  It is a small hole and can be effective if you hurry, but seriously folks! You see how the response of the people is heavily dependant on them and again working in tandum with the Holy Spirit.  You can’t decide for people or make them decide.  When there is a lack of response, it’s time to move on.  


How to begin Faith-filled Routines

  1. Pray.  Paul and Barnabas prayed for themselves and for those whom they were ministering to. They asked others to pray as well. Prayer is essential. You pray for me and I will pray for you friend.
  2. Plan.  Look for opportunities to show God’s love and share His story. It will not happen without some kind of intention. Set aside time and energy for God’s work while you prepare to be God’s hands and feet.
  3. Proceed.  It’s really easy to pray for others and even to come up with an idea of how you could bless them, encourage, or challenge them.  The action has to follow and that is your essential ingredient to contribute to God’s plan. 


Lisa joined the staff at Grace Church in January of 2001. Since that time she has led worship, coordinated the programming of worship services and outreach events, directed the Women's Ministry, decorated, created, served and loved God and people.

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