Plan your visit.

Hi!  We want you to know that you’re welcome anytime.  If you want us to make sure your visit is extra special, just let us know you’re coming by clicking below. 

If something comes up that you can’t make it that day, we’ll understand.  

~ the Welcome Team

What you can expect.

Visiting a new church can be intimidating.  When are the services? What should I wear? Where do my kids go?

We understand the many thoughts that can come from visiting a new church, so we want you to feel completely comfortable when you visit. Just know that you can always contact us if you have other questions.

The services on Sundays for all ages start at 10:00 a.m.  

Children birth to 5th grade will have an opportunity to learn through various activities in the west wing of our facility.  Meanwhile the 6th grade students through adults will gather in our auditorium to worship, fellowship, pray, and learn together.

We are pretty casual and like to wear the same kinds of clothes that most people would wear to school or work.