The day is drawing close to it’s end. The light has left the sky and I’m reflecting on all that transpired. That’s how we normally operate isn’t it? At least during this lent season I’m intentionally reflecting on the things that I’ve experienced or different ways that I’ve heard from God. Today is no exception. My day was wrought with troubleshooting.
Why is it that the more advanced my little piece of the world becomes, the longer I seem to spend trying to either learn how things work, or undo something that isn’t working properly, and so on? The number one character quality that seems to be required in all of this is patience.
Waiting. Watching. Reading. Attempting. Retrying. Restarting.
I have to believe that God has done an enormous amount of that with me. He waits for me to respond to Him. To seek Him. To ask Him. To even think about Him.

He watches my decisions, watches my response. He watches as I succeed and fail. Just like I remember watching my little boys. He’s a perfect Dad.
He encourages me to learn by sending me people and words that I desperately need.
He resets scenarios in my life so that I can try again and grow from the circumstances that I’ve found myself in.
And praise be to God, He brings a fresh start every morning, every week, every month, every year. Lamentations 3:22-23 reminds us of that blessing.
So there is really no reason for me to not practice patience and be content with all circumstances. No reason for frustration through the process of discovering how things work and what is needed to fix them when they don’t. Just like discovering how people work and growing in relationship with them. God’s mercies are new every morning and He above all has modeled immense patience with all of us!