What a turn of events! The previous passage we studied was from a prophet in the Old Testament. More than 400 years later God’s story continues in Matthew. If you remember over the past few weeks we’ve been studying various prophet’s testimonies mostly directed to Israel, some directed to their enemies. In them there has been no shortage of doom and gloom. In retrospect, that is pretty appropriate consequence to the great amount of rebellion toward God that God’s chosen people have committed. This is a pattern since creation. Two people, great relationship with God but they had to step outside the ONE line God drew for them. Time passes, lots more people who are so driven to sin God wipes them out with a flood, but saves one family. Time passes. People are driven to be their own gods, Babel happens. More time, God chooses one guy, Abraham. You get the idea, there are always consequences for your actions and God is not only just but He is merciful.
I have mentioned this before, but it bears repeating, I truly appreciate the simplicity of the study method we are using this year as we dig into scripture at Grace. We are asking 3 simple questions. 1. What did God say? 2. What did He say to me? 3. What will I say to others? In fact, there are now teachings available on our church YouTube channel that will offer another perspective as well, be sure to check those out!
What did God say?
In these chapters He gave us the:
- legal birthright genealogy of Christ through Joseph’s ancestry.
- annunciation (announcement of coming birth of Christ) to Joseph.
- Joseph’s marriage to Mary, the birth of Christ, and visit from the magi.
- outrage of Herod and death of baby boys in Bethlehem.
- family’s flight to Egypt, return to Israel, and settling in Nazareth.

What did He say to me? What am I saying to you?
There were 4 things that stood out to me in this reading. Those things that “stood” out to me are what make it to my list of what God said to me. Today, I’ll also share some lessons that we can both apply to our lives in light of these stand-out ideas, thoughts, and principles.
First: God loves obedience! Is it any wonder that God chose Joseph to be His Son’s earthly father? Not once, but 4 times I see Joseph’s immediate response of obedience. You can count those yourself, but what struck me is how God led and cared for Joseph’s family and I believe it was a direct result of Joseph’s quick and unquestioned obedience.
My lesson is that obedience is as important today as it was 2,000 years ago. We need to listen to God’s message obey without question or hesitation. The first place we can go for God’s message is His Word — it’s full of leading, instruction, and correction, but you have to read it to know what it says. Simple and true.
Second: God’s words are trustworthy. In these two chapters I see the fulfillment of multiple prophecies recorded by 4 different men (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Micah, and Hosea), all from different times and places. This is significant!
Because God’s proven Himself over and over I can share God’s Word without hesitation. It’s worth reading, studying, meditating on, and applying in our every day life. It’s worth spending an afternoon writing about. It’s worth meeting with a group of people to discuss. It’s worth quoting. It’s worth singing from and about. It’s worth memorizing. If you haven’t started, start. If you need help, I’ll walk with you, or I can find someone else to help you. Use an app like YouVersion. Join me on the Bible Study plan for the rest of the year. There are many tools and methods available, don’t over complicate it just do it.
Third: God’s plan is precise. This also stood out to me, because I’m drawn to numbers. (Should have been a statistician, or analyst maybe?) Anyway, verse 17 “There were 14 generations… 14… and 14”. This SHOUTS to me that God has a PLAN!. He is working His PLAN. He is not making things up as He goes like some of us do. He not still trying to make up His mind like I often am put off a decision.
We should not wonder and worry about what to do, where to work, who to spend time with, and so on. We can follow the plain instructions God has given us and trust that as we do the things we know God wants us to do, He will direct any further steps that need to be taken. Are you wondering what those plain, simple directions might be? Here are a few examples — read the Bible, pray, honor God with your words and your actions. Those are about God and how you can love Him. We are also to love others. For example: treat authorities respectfully, meet people’s needs whenever you can, forgive those who have wronged you, make every effort to get along with people (especially in the church), give generously, be a truth teller. Do we need any more direction? Sometimes (myself included) we get stuck and therefore ineffective, because we are waiting on a “word” or for an “answer” from God about the next step in our life. The reality is, no matter where you are and what you’re doing, you can obediently practice all of the instructions and directions God has already given.
Forth: God’s provision is enough. What do I mean by this? The refuge of Egypt stood out to me because I’ve seen this before. For Abraham and for Jacob’s (Israel) family both facing famine, and Jesus fleeing a madman, God provided an escape to Egypt. Psalm 46:1 says, “God IS OUR refuge and strength.”
To date, the most profound example of God’s provision in my life took place in 2011 – 2014. For those who knew me then, you were probably used by God as a refuge in some way. For those who weren’t around during those years, it was the time that my parents were both diagnosed with terminal cancers. During that time and even as I look back, I see God’s gracious provision. Oh don’t misunderstand, this was bittersweet time, it often felt far beyond what I could bear, but at the end of every day I could honestly thank God for providing for our needs. This is something that I continue to find so helpful. Every day, whether you are aware or not, God is providing and it is really a good practice to say “thank you”.
If you aren’t sure about what He provided today, start with the birth of the Son of God, whose name is Jesus.
Jesus who honored His Father with His obedience.
Jesus who was the fulfillment of MUCH prophecy.
Jesus who is the most critical part of God’s plan.
Jesus provided THE way to eternity with God.
Hopefully you can find many more treasures in the first two chapters in Matthew and not just hear them but put something that you’ve learned into practice.