Today I’m feeling defeated. Tired. Worn out. We are entitled to our feelings, right? Maybe the “feeling” is stemming from a short night of sleep. Maybe it’s an hour and a half in a dentist’s chair prepping for a crown that resulted in an achy face and mouth. Maybe it’s loosing a couple of hard fought battles. Maybe it’s the lack of progress on things that I value or having allowed things that don’t matter to drain my energy.
All of the above plus a good session of fellowship, bring to mind the focus of Lent. Let me repeat its purpose. 1. To prepare for the celebration of the resurrection of Christ. 2. To grow deeper in my faith. 3. Repentance. From my point of view today I see humility woven through all three. What is humility anyway?
Humility: a modest or low view of one’s own importance
If I am less others are elevated. If I am less Christ is elevated.
This is exactly where I need to rejoice in my tired, defeated, worn out, position today. From this lower position I can look around and see that there are lots of hurting people that need prayer and support. I have plenty to give.
From this lower position I can remember how long and hard the road was for patriarchs like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I can reflect on the sacrifice that Moses made to organize and motivate a mostly unwilling flock of people into the presence of God. I can respect the long-suffering of Christ, His patience, His persistence, His personal concern and touch in world.
It makes me think of the pretty little daffodils whose little faces point to the ground. They are cheerful and bright, but have such a lowly demeanor.

Instead of whining or moping, at the end of a day like today I can say, “thank you Lord” for the reminder of how good it is to be grateful and humble. Losing sometimes brings freedom and a whole new set of opportunities. Struggling sometimes teaches perseverance and patience that needs to be practiced. Pain slows the pace of life down that allows me to hear a little more clearly.
Thank You Lord for a hard-fought day that was framed by a good portion of great character trait; humility.