Everyone has heard the story of Noah, right? Even in my the very limited exposure to Sunday School remember the flannel graph board, the pairs of animals, the big boat and Noah and his family. Back in those days I was more interested in being chosen to move the giraffes into the boat than I was in the story of the sorrow of God and wickedness of man.
As I’ve read through Genesis 6, 7, and 8 this week several things stood out to me.
God’s grief. He was broken hearted over humanity. These are the people that He “just” had created and deemed to be “very good”. Seemingly overnight the sin that entered the world by Eve and Adam’s hand, has now overtaken everyone. Save Noah.
Noah is faithful. In the center of vile sinridden destruction there He is, listening to God, obeying, worshiping.
Everything that had breath died. Even the trees and grasses. All of it. God had to shake that Etch-a-sketch and shake it until all of the lines mass of squiggly lines were erased. (I apologize for those who haven’t had experience with the childhood creative board called Etch-a-sketch, you’ll have to google it.) And then when it was done, God said never again and gave Noah the hope of a beautiful future.

I am reminded that I am evil, by nature my bent is to worry about me and no one else, most certainly not about God, that makes me a sinner.
I am reminded that God is a rescuer. The ultimate rescuer! God put Noah et. al. in a boat. God put Jonah in a whale. God took Joseph to Egypt. He parted the sea for Moses. He shut the mouths of the lions. He sent His Son. Jesus gave His life as the final rescue.
I am reminded finally that God remembered Noah. He doesn’t forget. He knew the circumstances Noah was living in while he floated around in a boat. He knows where I am today also. Knows my heart, the things that grieve me and the work I want to do for Him. He knows what I want, and far more importantly and lovingly He knows what I need. Because of this I know that I can stand up for Him, I can trust His promises and plans, and I can make every effort to listen, obey, and worship Him.
So can you.