Why oh why?
I’m afraid that Chapter 3 of Genesis leaves me with more questions than answers, it certainly feels that way when I dig down for a closer look.
Let’s start with the main characters.
1. The craftiest (serpent/used by Satan).
2. The weakest (the woman). Let me explain what I mean by that. It’s interesting to me that God created Adam gave him life and purpose and then added Eve. Adam first had a primary relationship with God and His creation, and then with Eve. Eve on the other hand didn’t have that alone time with God, Eve was created as a partner to Adam, a helper, a completer which in my mind distances her further from God from the start than what Adam was – at least on this shallow level. So when I say that she is weaker, I think of her as being more vulnerable, more susceptible to the truth being twisted. Why? Because the truth didn’t come directly to her from God, it came I read it, from God to Adam and then Adam to Eve.
3. The strongest (the husband). I see Adam’s position against temptation as the most able to combat the devil’s offence. Adam walked with God. He witnessed the creative power of God when he woke to meet Eve. Adam had the most experience with the truth and therefore the best defense to offer.
4. Who wasn’t part of this encounter was God. Even though we know that God is there because He is everywhere, He is not part of this encounter. He is silently allowing Adam and Eve to enact their free will. Not only did God create them, with that ability to choose, He created the choice of the tree that produced the fruit from which man would receive the knowledge of good and of evil. God created the serpent that would be used. God created Satan who would make the most of this opportunity to try and wreck God and take over. God surely witnessed and allowed the whole thing to play out without interference.
What did I learn from this very familiar passage? This week God is impressing upon me that He is aware of the problem, He gave me that same free will and knows that I will fall, that I’ll fail, that I’ll be greedy for power (even the power that wisdom brings) and for pleasure (because that fruit looked really good). He knows that I’ll think about ME FIRST. And yet He loves me enough to send me away from the temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13). As He did with Adam and Eve from the garden. He loves me enough to experience the consequences of my choice so I can learn and grow. And He loves me enough to cover me (Genesis 3:21; Romans 4:7).
Thank You Lord for showing me how quickly I turn to selfishness and sin. Thank You for a way to be restored back into relationship with You, for Jesus, for His sacrifice and covering of my sin, and for the love and patient care You offer. Amen.