“It is Finished!”
The payment for my sins and yours, made.
The ministry on this earth, done.
The battle between sin and holiness, won.
The bridge between heaven and earth, built.
You know, the more I focus my thoughts on all that Jesus did on the cross for me, the better my attitude becomes.
It was not shaping up to be a great day. Seriously, I was bogged down in self-pity, (self-induced frustration) ironically over the growing mound of unfinished things in my day. The lack of progress might be one of my top annoyances! So if I’m Satan and I want to distract me (Lisa) from being in an attitude of prayer and praise all day, I would just keep reminding her about all of the things that she should be doing, that aren’t done, just for good measure, heap on a little “you sure do suck” guilt to the pile. Works every time!
Good news! The truth can shine through hazy deception when I choose to humbly admit “it’s not about me” and move my heart and mind toward that blood stained cross.

My unfinished list does not compare to His finished one. I am spending a lifetime just discovering all the tasks that have been checked off Jesus’ to do list.
Wow Lord, I really needed this reminder tonight. I’m so thankful for Your loving patience. If the roles were reversed I would have given up on me a very long time ago.
Jesus did not give up, He saw His work through to completion and looks forward to the day that I can thank Him in person. Until then, I will stop my moping and let that false guilt wash away. It’s already finished, Lisa. All the important stuff is finished.