It started with a brief conversation that went something like this.
Last night I began reading a book that was on my short list. In it, the author is recounting a very painful personal experience. Even then, my first two thoughts were #1 she’s an eloquent writer (which put my tiny vocabulary to shame) and #2 this is courageous! Courage is facing your fear(s). Sometimes that fear is physical, like being afraid of heights, or afraid of public speaking. Other times the fears are more emotional. A fear that being showing others who you really are or telling people what is really going on in your life will turn people away from you. They won’t understand, they won’t accept you anymore, or maybe you’re convinced they won’t even believe you.
Today like many others I begin here with a plea to the Lord for a word. Thankfully He answered with a gentle reply, “what did you just talk about?” And I answered Him, “Courage. But what am I going to say about courage?” And He said to me, “review your last 24 hours”. “Ok, said I. And thank You. Again.” Here is my review.

Once in a while these kind of fears only need a nudge of encouragement to conquer them. Picture that encouragement as a little red cape that brings powers you didn’t know you had.
Ultimately we need to acknowledge an respond to the power that resides inside of us. This leads me to the second story of courage.
I met with a dear sweet woman this afternoon. We’re working through a mentoring program together and today’s topic…you guessed it, courage. This afforded us the opportunity to share some of our personal experiences. It was so exciting for me hear about how she is learning to step out in faith and let go worries. What a courageous step to take! Trusting in God to provide what we need and not relying our own abilities to get it done ourselves is a challenge for all of us. She has been clinging on to 2 Timothy 1:7 which speaks of the power that comes from the Holy Spirit that resides inside me, and inside all who claim Jesus as their Lord.
Following that wonderful chat, I listened to the testimony of a young actress who rather than advancing her career and becoming very wealthy by taking roles that would compromise her faith, she turned them down. She let agents go that didn’t understand her convictions, and was fully prepared to walk away from her career and the film industry. Her name is Madeline Carroll and her story was inspiring. God is providing for her each step of the way as she seeks Him and lives out her faith, like a warrior. I’ve no doubt that He will honor her courage to stand up for her faith and protect her position as a daughter of the King of Kings.
What courageous step do you need to take? How and when are you going to take it?