When I hear the word “called” it makes me think of being called in for an interview, or being called to come to the office. (Yikes!) It’s very personal, intentional, and specific. Each example that comes to mind fits under this heading of being asked something of because you are suited or you fit the necessary description. For better or for worse, somebody wants YOU!
Galatians 1:15-17
This is what Paul is describing in his letter to the church in Galatia written after his first missionary journey. He had spent time with these people, told them his story, taught them about God’s Son being the way to the Father. They had come to faith and church groups had been established in various towns that Paul had visited. But Paul wasn’t physically with them any longer and questions arose, other teachings came in and “muddied the water” if you will. In this book/letter, Paul is trying to help his new friends out by setting them back on the right track. What better way to begin than with the foundation of their relationship with God.
So Paul retells his story beginning in verse 14 of Galatians 1 and continues on through chapter 2 and verse 10. The point Paul is driving home is that God is the one who changed Him. God is the one he sought and listened to. No one else had Paul’s ear because Paul was focussed on the One who called him.

That is what really captured me in this week’s reading. (Galatians 1:15) God had a plan from the beginning and when the time was right He CALLED ME by His grace. Paul is recognizing that being called is an act of GRACE (unmerited favor) which is purely done by a sovereign God. Called is chosen. Called is a privilege for which to be grateful.
If you are a follower (or disciple) of Christ you, like Paul, have been called. But the question is called to what?
In this text, we see Paul’s call as all believers. He was chosen and called to proclaim the good news (gospel) of Jesus Christ. Why would I come to that conclusion, you ask? Isn’t that the same message that Jesus gave us? Didn’t Jesus come to bring “good news” to all who would listen? (We especially read about that throughout the book of Luke.) Didn’t He show His disciples how to do the same? We saw Philip and Peter and Paul all specifically speak “good news”. From these powerful examples we can easily infer that all followers are called by the same grace to speak the same message to those who will listen.
I have to ask myself the question, am I fulfilling my calling? Am I looking for opportunities? Praying for opportunities? Taking the opportunities? Or am I just being silent? How about you? Rather than accusations (Maybe you’re not feeling guilty but I am!) let’s look at some encouragement.
1 Peter 2:9-10 is a beautiful scripture that also speaks of being called. The encouragement that I find in this scripture is that it reminds me of my true identity and what I have every reason to bring the great news of a perfect God who has changed my life and elevated my mind and heart from earthly concerns to eternal ones.
and a SPECIAL POSSESSION of the Almighty God!
Why would God extend that kind of grace?
That WE would
the praises
of HIM
who called you out of darkness
into His wonderful light.
Doesn’t that bring a whole new view on desiring to bring good news to people?
Friends! We are chosen by a holy God to be His. He has rescued us. We have nothing to say to Him but “thank You”.and the best way we can do that is to declare who He is the world around us. Let’s do it together, filled with Love and Gratitude.