In the back of my mind all day has been the question, “what am I going to write about today? ” My mind is blank. Not in a negative way, just like a blank slate. Open to suggestions . . . Lord?
I needed to run some errands today and I looked here and looked there for inspiration. I can tell you what I saw was color. Like, all of the sudden, God lifted the “de-saturation” filter and the grass was green. There are actually fields that were brilliant green. And “yes!” I even saw a haze of spring green over the wooded areas. Flowers are blooming. Trees are budding. Spring is definitely here in Michigan. (Although as I say that I’ve just read that we may be getting snow in the morning). It still is spring, snow or no snow, right?!

So as you can see, the blank canvas in my mind started filling right up with sights, and sounds, and smells that we’ve missed for a while now.
Even though I still didn’t know what to write about this weekend for Lent, I remained content. You know, I didn’t even feel good. Had a headache. My stomach didn’t feel good. I was tired. But something inside was just content. As I ended the day yesterday, grateful. At peace. Somehow I knew that as the day went on the Lord would inspire something.
I think what I am experiencing is the result of deepening faith. Of submitting more and more of my life to Him. Waiting more patiently. Trusting the Lord to give me the essentials I need to fill the blank space of my day.
Our church’s verse comes to mind. Ephesians 3:20 [LISA] Now to Him who is ABLE to do immeasurably more that I could ever ask or even imagine, according to the power that is at work, [even today] in me, to Him be the glory in the church, [in my mind, in my heart, in my mouth] and in Christ Jesus, forever and ever, AMEN!
He is able! To paint color on a blank canvas. To create life where there was none. To bring hope to dried up faded out lives. He is able to teach me, and inspire me to trust Him with bigger plans, bigger dreams.
Me who so wants to stay in a comfortable familiar place, not too many demands, not too much expectation, just familiar routine.
Me who doesn’t feel capable of anything important. He’s able to take me, His blank canvas, and create something that will be a delight to Him.
That is incredible. And I’m only one of billions of people. He wants the same for you. I encourage you to hand Christ the canvas and see what He can do with your life. It won’t be long and the blankness will be filled with love,joy, peace, and the contentment from with new fresh colors are born.