Spring Inspirations [Day 5]

Did you know that geese are very loyal?  They mate for life and if their mate dies they mourn that loss. If they have an injured mate or chick they will stay behind and care for them.   Gaggles (groups) of geese are formed by several families coming together.  They protect and care for each other and travel together.

This sounds a lot like a healthy church family. They care for and protect one another.  When one is injured, or suffering it affects the group.

In John 13 Jesus has just finished washing the disciples feet during the evening of the last supper. He is giving them some last minute instructions before He goes to the garden to pray.  Included in these instructions is a command to “love one another” John 13:34.

By this, Jesus is telling His closest followers to; take care of each other, watch out for each other, protect each other,  spend time with each other, do everything in your power to get along and forgive each other, be patient with one another, and so on. Aren’t those key ingredients to “loving”?

As I considered this a couple thoughts came to mind.

#1 God would never tell us to do something that we weren’t able to do.  I didn’t say that it was easy to do, but like children getting along with their siblings in the backseat of the car during a long trip, this is possible!  I have witnessed it.

You see God wants us to experience fellowship like He has with His Father. They are one.  It is unique and beautiful and can not be matched.  However, even a taste of true fellowship helps us understand the bond of the Father and the Son.  (John 17:21)

#2 Why would any unchurched person be interested in a personal relationship with Jesus if they didn’t see a difference in the lives of the people who attended a church?  Who wants to go to the house where the family is constantly fighting and speaking ill of one another?

So we see that not only is it important to God to see that we are getting along because it benefits and enriches our lives.  We also see how that “love fest”  going on inside the church would also be attractive to unchurched people and would draw them in.

It is obvious that this is a big deal to God.  After all, God IS love. So His children should be practicing love, ESPECIALLY in the church.  1 John 4:2 actually says that if you claim to love God but don’t love your brother (fellow believer) you are a liar! Do you see what I mean about this being a big deal to God.

So my brothers and sisters, let’s spend a little more energy loving, protecting,  and caring for our spiritual “gaggle” and less time squawking and honking at one another.   God will be honored, we will be blessed, and the unchurched will be intrigued.




Lisa joined the staff at Grace Church in January of 2001. Since that time she has led worship, coordinated the programming of worship services and outreach events, directed the Women's Ministry, decorated, created, served and loved God and people.

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