Someone asked me recently why I am taking the time to write these posts, and I replied, for me. It gives me some measure of accountability. I committed to the Lord I would take more time studying His word this year. I was doing plenty of reading but less of digging a little deeper to understand, less of considering how this message intersects with my every day life, and less yet of sharing my insights and things that was trying to apply to my life with others. Therefore, a weekly assignment of pondering, writing, and sharing would tick that box. My expectation is that God’s going to help me grow. If these posts help you in some way, let me know. I would love to talk about your response.
This weeks’ reading included the recording of a couple very significant moments in the history of Israel as well as the pathway to Christ.
#1 God pointed Samuel (his priest) to David, the shepherd boy, the youngest of Jesse’s sons in Bethlehem, and anointed him as the succeeding king to rule His people. Again (think Abraham) God chooses the least likely. David only has experience in shepherding. He is the youngest of 8 sons. Even Samuel was surprised by this choice and Samuel had spent a lifetime of walking with God.
*God’s plans are not ours. He sees what we do not see. God proves Himself trustworthy once again.
#2a Some time later the Army of Saul, (current King of Israel) is lining up in battle against the neighboring enemies; the Philistines. Out from the midst of the enemy army struts a giant of a man, Goliath. He’s not only big. He is arrogant. I’m going with obnoxious. David happens to be present witnesses the insults Goliath is hurling at Israel and their God. Remember, the Spirit of God is upon David, ever since his anointing. And David who is not a soldier nor experienced in battle volunteers to shut this giant up and show Philstia the power of God.
*Giants exist. Enemies of my faith and of my God. They are arrogant and full of pride. Remember whose battles are worth fighting.
#2b Armed with the Spirit of God and the tools and skills God had already provided David, he faced the enemy and killed him. One shot. One swing of Goliath’s own sword and the army of the Philistines run and the army of Israel wins.
*Our humility in using the tools that God has given us and our allegiance to fight for the things that honor Him will open the door to God’s victories. Remember the battle belongs to the Lord. We need to be willing to go. We need to use what we have and what we know. But God is going to do the work and it is only His battle that is worth fighting.