1 Peter 2-4

Yes, I know, I have fallen behind in my writing, and frankly in my study. A little voice in me is whispering rubbish. “Oh forget it, you’ve blown it now, don’t even bother picking this up again, you’re behind, you’ll never catch up.” Have you ever heard any of those things? But here is the truth. How can I not share the beautiful word of God?

Today, I picked up the reading that was supposed to be completed yesterday and was just moved by it. Why is it that we/I am ever surprised by God’s living and active WORD? I don’t know, but it is wonderful to have a relationship with the God that constantly surprises you. Absolutely wonderful.

Our conduct. Or rather the conduct that God expects from our lives. This is the umbrella that covers all of the little power-packed phrases, ideas, and commands that stood out to me, and what I wanted to share with you today.

As a mom I’ll admit it, I had high expectations for the conduct of my boys. I had high hopes that they would say and do all of the good things they had learned from mommy and daddy. Be respectful, obedient, and polite. Beyond that there were hopeful wishes like being thoughtful, interesting, engaged, and self-controlled. And beyond that I think were dreams of being brilliant, inspiring, encouraging, helpful, and just all around the kind of person that people want to spend time with. Too much??

God not only has hopes and dreams for us, they are actually plans. He can make plans not only because His knowledge and abilities are without fault or limit, but He also is able to empower us and turn the plans into reality.

Here are the snippets I wanted to share and have you consider with me how they might impact your day today, as they have mine.

(1 Peter 2:11) I urge you as aliens…….

REMEMBER: This world is not our home or final destination. That perspective is so critical.

(1 Peter 2:12) You are surrounded by people who do not follow Jesus, and they are watching you, probably ready to watch you slip up or fall apart. “So live such good lives that they will see the good you do, and they will give glory to God on the day he comes.”

REFLECT: God’s character to the world around you. They will see Him when they see you, because of your attitudes and actions.

(1 Peter 2:13; 3:1) Submit yourselves…to every authority. Or as wives to their husbands. This means to voluntarily cooperate with those people who have been placed as heads over our lives. These people are accountable to God for their behavior. Our job is to submit out of our respect for God and in honor of all that aligns with His will and character. That doesn’t mean we have to agree with everything, but as long as it lines up with all that God has said and done, we submit and bring honor to God in the process.

RESPOND: To man’s authority with humility until it diverts from God’s will and word.

(1 Peter 3:8; 4:8-9) Live in harmony, love, pray, be hospitable.

REVEAL: Your compassion for others. See people the way God sees them and love them to honor Him and treat them in an unexpected manner.

(1 Peter 4:7) The end of all things is near.

REJOICE: In the knowledge that God’s plan is drawing ever nearer to it’s end. The end being an eternity without all of sin and sorrow of this world and with the peace, love, and holiness of God.

God’s message is so clear. Our time is growing short friends.

For those who love Jesus and want to nothing but honor Him, I encourage you (and me) to dig a little deeper into God’s expectations for us and all of the resources that He given us to be successful in these things.

For those who are putting off that decision to walk 100% with God and make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, your time is growing short. All that God has offered to you is available today and is a limited time offer. Don’t miss it. Let’s talk!


Lisa joined the staff at Grace Church in January of 2001. Since that time she has led worship, coordinated the programming of worship services and outreach events, directed the Women's Ministry, decorated, created, served and loved God and people.

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